Thank you to ICARUS SHIRT the best ipsc shirt
Thank you to ICARUS SHIRT the best ipsc shirt
Robert Söderström was unlucky when we were on the hot range 3 and 15, when Robert had started stage 15 .a tree fall down over the stage.
Robert must have hit the tree from stage 3 from his cal 45 :0)
I was happy to go on the squad with Lars Syversen, he could teach me a lot new that I can that I can practice more with.
Mats Bäckström who had little time to clean its gun
Mats Parhammar is ready on stage 18
Here is the salary of ROs: 0)
Norah was on he photo job and again Norah did a very nice job, go here to see some more of Norah´s photo
Among some of the shop was CPH Dynamic
I found my shadow on stage 7
Here it is Lars Hagemann not choose to start on the stage 6 kneeling
The two lovers from Sweden Tina and Sebastian
Peter Schieck was the sponsor of stage 8
Senior and Danish champions in standard
1 place Claus Stahnke, 2 place Henrik Lerfeldt and 3 place Jan Bode
The Danish Champion in Production, 1 Place Lars Hagemann, 2 place Andreas Danko and 3 place Morten Holm
Danish Champion in Open. 1 Place Eli Huttner here with his daughter, And Eli was trying his new shirt for the upcomming EHC 2013 in Portugal the design of the shirt is made by classictarget.dk :0) shirt made from ICARUS Shirt. 2 place Frants Pedersen 3 pace Carsten Samuelsen
This was the first match that I shot with my new team uniform from ICARUS Shirts. Team ICARUS
Rooster Mountain here in Denmark is over. And again a great match with really good stage and a really good weather. Saturday and Sunday, 3 and 4 August. Arrived at Rooster Saturday morning at 7:15 and started to put my tent up to DSF Shop. Registration started at 7:30 and first shot at 09:00 It was a very hot day around the 28 degrees so you should drink plenty of water.
Blue sky and almost 30 degrees
I was on the squad 10 with among others Lars Syversen from Norway, Lars Hagemann, Noe Nielsen, Ebbe Wolf from Denmark and Robert Söderström, Tina Oskarsson, Sebastian Nilsson from Sweden, we had a total of 13 in our squad.
Squad 10 ready for breafing on stage 5
We had to shoot 9 stages with 3 hot range so a total of 12 stages and Sunday 5 stages with 1 hot range in all six stages.
Lars Hagemann on stage 7
I must say that again had Claus and crew made some really good stages, this time with difficult shooting positions, short, medium and long target, many of the stages was quite technical would i say.They are good or I would say evil with their very small plates, they are fucking hard to hit, so I have to trained more small plates.
Stage 1
Stage 1. One of the difficult stages with a difficult shooting position, a very low aperture.
And an old senior shooter like me found it hard to get down, not like example our Finnish shooter Mika who can come down in the most strangest positions, quite annoying to look at :0)
Stage 5
Mark at work on the most discussed stage, which was NOT Marks fault.
A stage according to many, should be taken out.
There was a klider/ mover it did not moving at the same speed throughout the match, and that was a big problem, you can not have something like that. As I keep saying over and over again, you have to be 110% sure that something like that works for an entire match, and if it does not, do not use mechanical things, mover, steppe things, doors etc etc. And it was sad because it was a very good stage to shoot.
Stage 18
A another stage which was not easy
Stage 18 with 3 IPSC poppers and 3 targets.The poppers release left swinger and right pop up and down target, where you have to time the swinger right, and the right target flipped up and down and was down so you just could see small part of the alpha zone. I got the popper right but wait for the swinger and made 2 exstar shot which I should not have done.that cost me lot of time. Also the middle target I hit in hardcover with the first shot, so also here an exsta shot, and of course the right flip up target an exsta shot :0(
Lars Syversen on stage 7
A stage there really had some difficult shooting positions was stage 7 with long and short targets and small plates.
the difficult positon was coming up the stairs, and a very small aperture where you could see a popper and 2 small plates, fun to shoot but a difficult stages.
Ebbe Wolf on stage 6
Stage 6 was a short stage with 10 shots, there were 2 IPSC target, 2 plate, and 2 poppers.
Start position kneeling with gun in front of you loaded, here was the question of whether you should shoot the 2 poppers and 2 target kneeling or go halfway up, so it was quick to take the 2 plate and swinger over the wall to the right in the upright position.
Lars Syversen on stage 16
Stage 16 was hotrange with stage 6
Stage 16 was also a short stage with 6 IPSC target and many No shoot
12 rounds. Here you could choose to start on the right or left site, most started right here you could use 2 positions or possibly take some target during movement, I chose the 2 positions.
Stage 8 was a medium stage with 11 IPSC target, 1 plate and 1 poppers and with 24 shots.
Pistol loaded with empty chamber
Also here on this stage, there was a very low aperture, here I had chosen not to lie down,and I should have done that, I bowed down and it cost me extra shots and extra time, but a nice stage with close up targets, swinger and again small plate.
Here it is me, who must run under a wall at stage 8. Photo by Norah.dk
I was happy to go on the squad with Lars Syversen, he gave me some things to work on, otherwise i thinking it went very well, I know I have some problems with my set-up for the first shot.My speed is fine, my score is ok, but it's a problem to come up to the first target and just pull the trigger. that I need to be faster on.I was a little disappointed only to be number 5 in the Danish championship and number 7 overall. So more to work on.
The match itself I can say. Rooster Mountains staff are doing some really good and challenging stage, and that's what IPSC is about.
So I'm back again next year