We just got our new Danish shirt design by me and made by ICARUS SHIRTS
I had the great pleasure of welcoming Mr. Eduardo De Cobos Abreu to Rooster Mountain
Cecilla going down
René Mortensen ended up overall with 84,80 % and third place in Danish Championship in standard, and 14 place in Nordic Championship
After a hard wind blew my tent away, so here are classictarget and DSF-Store in the open air
The Danish Squad , here in front Open shooter Frants Petersen, and Lady standard shooter Norah Josephsen
Here am shooting
Kristian Bartholin and Flemming Notknown looking on the verification list
Photo by Britta Kobler
Am shooting stage 1, really good stage
Stage 1-3 on the very nice sand area
Norah with he new shirt from Icarus Shirt
Looking far away the target puhaa
Fourlt line " am green "
Team Capsicum Nordic hand over the SIG SAUER P226 X-Five SO Capsicum to the lucky winner of the Raffel.
Danish Champion in Standard Senior. 1 place Claus Stahnke, second Jan Bodé and third Claus Rittig. I came in as number 5 just 4% after Henrik Lerfeldt
Thanks to the team behind Rooster Mountain
Thanks to my RO team on stage 10
Thanks to my squad on pre-match
Thanks to my Senior Team
Thanks to my sponsor ICARUS Shirt
Thanks to Team ICARUS
Photo by Britta Kobler
It was years since I last worked as RO at Rooster Mountain, so this year it give it a try again, and I was actually looking forward to that, there was just a prematch which i should finsh first.
The new shooting area, so nice and big, here with sand storm
I had seen on facebook that they had a whole new area that looked like a beach, so I had really been looking forward to seeing that area. I arrived Thursday morning and after some breakfast it was off on a high sunshine and shoot some good stage. We shot 9 stages and also down in the new area, and I must say oh boy, it's a really nice and very big area with 3 stage 4 stage including one hot range.The only minus was that since it was a few dry days and really hot, and the area was full of sand, a small win or a quick ATW did that you had cover your gun or repack after every shooting, otherwise it was full of sand, but I would think in a year's time when some of the sand it's gone , or it will be cover with soil and some grass is tip top shooting area, otherwise you have to water it. I really like that area.
My new Salomon shoe
I had just got a new pair of shooting shoes from Salomon and I had them on a little too long time, I really hurt in my feet, and it will also prove it, it cost me 3 new nails on my feet.
Me shooting stage 16 5 ipsc target and one popper, 11 rounds
Well, overall, a good day and no miss, we had to have a reshoot on stage 14 on as there was some misunderstanding with the briefing.
One of the hot range here stage 12 and 19
Friday ready to shoot the last 7 stages
the one who approves the stage here in Denmark before being sendt to the IPSC for sanctioning, but to see the stage on a drawing and then see and test them in real life is another story
After these two lovely days with pre-match, I say every time I shoot Rooster Mountain that it is probably the best match I've shot in a long time, and I will say the same again this time , and I heard others say it is probably the best match in Europe or Scandinavia,
Claus Henneberg is incredibly good to make design stage and every stage this time was really really good, short, medium and long distances, challenging and technically ok and the swinger was made for me this time just the speed was for senior shooter hihi although I must admit that I had the only two misses in this match and it was at stage 9 at a swinger :0(
Stage 9 where I got my to only mike it cost me a good overall result :0(
As I told I should work on this match, after a few years break, I got stage 10 as IROA CRO along with two Danish NROI Preben Henriksen and Ronnie Johansen and we had a patcher tattoo bitch Goran :0)
Stage 10 was A medium course of 24 shots with 10 IPSC target, 2 IPSC poppers and 2 plate.
The distance to one of the target was about 40 meters and one target with about 25-30 meters, I believe.
We name this stage ”Mr.mike stage”, there was a total of 271 mike , and I was not one of them : 0)
Stage 10 Photo by Kenneth Christensen
A really good stage to work on thanks to my good RO team, thy did a really good job thanks, when you consider how hot the first days was and there came some heavy rain Sunday.
This year was the Nordic and Danish Championship in Standard, Revolver and Classic. So the top shooters who usually shoots production shot standard with their production gun, unfortunately we was missing our own champ Ralf K. Jensen who had injured his leg in Germany earlier this year and he was missing, hope he will recover soon, so he will be ready for the World Shoot
Here its Lars Hagemann who shoot Standard with his Prod. gun and his new Danish Icarus Shirts :0)
Normally we have the visit of the open-top shooter Saul Kirsch from DAA but when his partner Eli Huttner has returned to Israel we was missing both of them this year, two years ago we also had a visit from Emile and Thierry Obriot from France. But this year we had a visit by Eduardo De Cobos Abreu from Spain in production and his two students from Russia Igor Altushkin in production and in open Viktor Boyarkin. It was indeed a great experience to see them arrive at Rooster In large limousine with 2 large body guard :o)
Here Igor Altushkin on stage 10
We worked hard on these two lovely days, the only thing we had problems with our stage was Saturday morning with one popper, after the first squad, had a screw apparently pushed a little, then the popper was standing a little hard, and when we as range officer can not stop a shooter because it does not fall, but the shooter himself is the only one there can stop, and then ask for a calibration, then many shooters is frustrated it does not fall, looks at the RO and get a little pissed because we don´t stop him and gives a reshoot. This happened for two shooters in two different squad, among other things, I had to have a long talk with a shooter before he understood the rule and the difference in whether you can stop a shooter if it is a plate that moves sideways or whether it is a popper does not fall over and a shooter that uses an entire magazine before he either continues or choose to stop and hopes that a calibration does he get his reshoot. But then the rest of machen went smoothly
Here am with Bo Stampe, and it was not Bo there go the DQ. photo by Norah
Fortunately we had only one DQ, and again a shooter and rest of the squad does not know the rule. He was finished shooting Ro says if you are finished, unload and show clear rules 8.3.6 so far so good. If clearing hammer down holster rules 8.3.7 after this command, he discovers he's missing a target just in front of him, put his magazine in and shoot the last two shots, and this is a DQ 10.6.1. And I'm sorry to say this again as I told recently on another match 80% of all IPSC shooters do not know the rules, the other 20% there are a small change to they know the rules , it's not good enough, look at the rules
Food line. Photo Britta Kobler
In addition to this real good match, then I have to said that it is many years since there has been so good food as there was this year, I think the last time many years ago that it was me and the wife who was cooking : 0) This year was quite incredibly well, get them back and you will see me again in the gray shirt. The team behind Rooster Mountain good work.