Thank you to my sponsor ICARUS SHIRTS the best ipsc shirt
Thank you to my sponsor ICARUS SHIRTS the best ipsc shirt
Anders Buchwald
is showing the new start position
Johan Hansen, this time shooting Production
With camera
Marianne Schön
Eating lunch :0))
Jam Bodé this time I don´t get DQ
And his gun work on all stages thats way he smiles.
Lars Hagemann
Lars Hagemann I think I tore my pants
Gert Hansen
I froze
Behind the frame from classictarget.dk
Custom made knife with engraving
Winner in Production Steinar Haugli, second Rasmus Gyllenberg and third P-O Rasmussen
Christian Thomsen, second Robert Andersson and third Lars Syversen
Christian Thomsen with the PM frame
Hello Hello am ready now
It was then time to the first match of the year as RO, and this time it was Gothenburg Open “Putte” Memorial.
It was the weekend of June 11 and 12 with Pre-match on Friday.
Gothenburg normally holds 2 matches a year “Putte” memorial and Cops Cup
But the first was so “Putte” Memorial, the name comes from an older shooter Hans "Putte" Sären, multiple Swedish champions
Who died on 22/5-08 after a short period of illness?
Putte was one of the pioneers of practical shooting. He was with from the beginning and shaped the shooting, which we now call dynamic shooting. Putte was for many years both a board member of our union and in Gothenburg Dynamic shooter.
Gothenburg Dynamic shooter desire every year Gothenburg Open will from now on have the name Gothenburg Open Putte memorial.
This year was the first time Robert Andersson was MD and he did a great job a big thanks to him and the team behind this match.
They had this year made use of Peter Farkas an older shooter that ended 14 years ago shooting single stack 45 with comp.
He is employed full time to build props and he did a great job, Peter was also the QM and was available during the entire match if something went wrong, but he also helped as patches, so peter was everywhere, big thanks to him.
The match was 12 stages with a hot range, 5 long, 5 medium and 2 short courses with 222 shots.
We were three iroa and two nroi from Denmark to work on this match
There were a total of 3 area and I had to work at area 1 from Stage 1 to 5, Gert Hansen IROA was in area 2 from stage 6 to 9 and Anders Buchwald in area 3 from stage 10 to 12 who took some coordinate as all 3 stages have to be shot separately and patches together same time, but Anders is an old fox as he did it without any trouble.
Stage 4 was one of the great stage Peter Farkas had constructed
But before the main match we should just finish the pre-match first
We arrived in Gothenburg at 06:45 am and had to go through all the stages first and then start the pre-match, we had to shoot all 12 stages and was finished at 7:30 pm so it was a long day, I come back with my performance later.
After The match it was time for a quick trip to china fast food restaurant, and then back to bed, we slept on the range so it was up early on on Saturday and then we were ready for 2 lovely sunny days with good RO work
Stage 11 was the horse stage
There were a total of 139 shooters including DQ 1 with 21 in the Open and the largest division, Production with 75 shooters, 5 shooters in Revolver Division and 37 shooters I Standard.
This year, there was no participation from Finland so it was among 102 from Sweden, 25 from Norway and 12 from Denmark, the Danes miss our champ Ralf K. Jensen, Jack Romer and Team Capsicum they all participated in infinity Euro Open in Germany.
Lars Hagemann is one of our good shooters Production, was also in Germany but shot pre-match drove 1200 km back home to Denmark having dinner with his wife and then driving the 272 km to Gothenburg and shot the match in one day, Lars finished a 9th place.
Each stage was really good in my opinion,some of the best I've seen so far in Gothenburg, very challenging, some running and shooting stage, long, medium and short distances to the target and steel.
Stage 9, as we usually know was totally different this year, built up quite differently with target mid-stages, there were 2 plate 1popper and for the first time they spent an entire stage with mini target, so you really have to focus on your front sight : 0)
Otherwise violated I had some stage with lots of movement, and it's great sin I am.
Stages 11 on area 2, they had built a horse, you have to sit on the horseback gun unloaded, on signal shoot a popper a target and 2 swinger in about 20 meters.
The Swedes ha's a local rule say 15 feet to steel, so once again focus on your front sight, special on plates.
Squad plan was made really well and we were ahead of schedule all the time and were also completed in good time, there were no major issue on Saturday only a simple shooter who had a squib load, a simple scoring issue.
In area 2 where Gert was, there was a little problem with some of the plates but was quickly fixed and then ran without problems
Kyrre Lee from Norway sure how this is going to be
Sundaywe started at 08:00 with the first shot at 9:00 and again prior to the time and was finished around 1 pm, shot 2-stage before lunch and then the last 2 stage after lunch.
Then we just have wait for price giving ceremony and again it went fast, in about 2 pm they were ready for presentation.
I had this year chosen true classictarget.dk sponsoring Scoring overlay for all RO and the winner in a standard frame to the Presidents Medals which incidentally can be purchased here web shop
And the winner this year, in Standard from Denmark Christian Thomsen (Lady from Norway Lene Olaug Kråkø)
In the open, it was from Norway Frank Sandås (Lady from Norway Elisabeth Wiel). In Production, it was also from Norway Steinar Hauglie (Lady from Sweden Marianne Schön also PM) Revolver Olle Linskog.
And the Standard Senior, it was to my good friend Gert Hansen, who won the first place but unfortunately no PM since we were only 3 in the category and I did so a second place.
Christian Thomsen wins in the standard
Now he can keep his the new presidents medals frame sponsored by classictarget.dk
Winner in Senior was Gert Hansen, Second Me Peter Andersen and third Bent Lund all from Denmark
Unfortunately we were not 5 in the division so there was no President's Medals for Gert Hansen
And how did it go for me this time, after all when you consider how much I have trained up to this match it's fair enough that Gert got the first place.
But I think that I did ok.
I had a bad start, I started on stage 5 long course 22 round and I got one miss, stage 6 short course target 3 and 6 plate set up as a triangle, target must been shot with a minimum of 1 round each target, my time was 8.26 percent and a pole at 62.27
So on to hot-range where I got a reshot at stage 7 when Plate turn and stood still, stage 8 was sluggish when I forgot to unlock in my holster : 0 ((that must not happen big mistake from my site.
Directed to stage 9 which was the stage with mini target 27 rounds, here I had 6 C and a time of 22.47 and a stage percent with 83.55 a really good stage.
Down to area 2 and stage 10 long course with good race and got an ok time 22.47 22 A, 7 C and 2 D a stage percent with 73.43 percent
Then it was time for horseback ohlaa here I got my second miss but otherwise a fun stage, stage 12 was also a great stage with races, and here Christian Thomsen got a really good time and was the stage winner 11.63 and my time was 16, 73 and a stage percent with 68.59 percent
Up in my area 1 and Stage 1 here went everything wrong again, standing on a pallet and shoot pops 1 and 4 target also half target, so most chose to lie down and take the remaining 2 plate and target, I should
not be listening to my friends but trust my first review it cost me a long time and magazine change.
Well over on stage 2 right next door.
Standing behind the chair on signal shoot 3 target between short and half long distance just to the right shooting a popper then again to the right for a swinger and a target, here was I chose stationary target first and then swinger , it cost me little time, I should have been taking the swinger first then the stationary target, a stage percent with 48,45 percent
Stage 3 was the stage with the most run in, a long course on a big rock stone, I saw a video of the Christian Thomas (stage winner) and Robert Andrésson (second) they had a really good movement, I ended with a stage percent at 69.60
Then it was time for the last stage, stage 4, and here I finished quite disastrous double miss on a disc that stood in front of me, yes I am still looking for my hit and have not found them yet.
But as I said before a fantastic match an am looking to get back to the next month then it’s time for Cops Cup the same place, then we will see how they manage , I have been promised that there will be coffee and breakfast food: 0))
I would like to have a chance to say thank you to all the ROs in the match for a great and good work, especially in Area 1 where among other things. the Danish Ro´s Ulrik Saxøj at Stage 3 and Michael Løye at Stage 4 was, but of course also the other Ro´s , Olle at Stage 1, Ulf and Nima at Stage 2, Mikael Östling and Angelica on Stage 5
A wonderful team to work with.