Joey on the ride
2009 European Rifle Championship

Jesus with his Ruger mini 14 - 223 Reminton.

Nice gun rack

Mr. Jerry Miculek ready to rock

IROA Break

KB Svensen Denmark ready to rock

Bryan Mc Evilly try to get up

Rey has come to a very cold country, and was sick but not so sick that he could not fit his Area CRO work. We IROA people seem to be operating even though we're a little sick

Kurt Miller, im looking good, yhaaa

Johan Hansen Sweden make ready

Some targets were quite far away

Our President was very happy to see stages and was also very happy for the first level IV Rifle match, and look forward to a European championship more

We had a little drive in the area, it is quite nice in Norway, but also very expensive

3 beautiful boys

Mr. Lars Hagemans second place :0)

A little frind pass by

Our patcher had a little nap on the ATV

Trapr Swonson and Daniel Horner

Trond Eliassen had his Filipino wife and daughter, so could Joey talk a little Tagalog

When a rifle match and is far from the canteen, then you have to make a kitchen so you can get something hot

Tim Andersen with a good view

It's good to have a relax after a hard day

A beautiful Norwegian church

The splatter well after shots

Kurt get up

Danel Horner took some very very long shot, he and some few other took the longes target from here, around 250 meter

NROI from Estonia Jaanus Viirlo

Jayantha Pathiratne I dont like the rain.

Match review

You will find the full day to day report if you scroll further down the page
SO what did I think of this match.
Well it was the first European Championship in Rifle so I will make a good behavior.
The Range was perfect also for WM J
The military Camp was perfect, only minus no TV 10 days without Tour de France that was a minus L J
The food well well IROA there are coming from the other site of the world and then we had to make the lunch by our self to bring it on the stage umm, and bad taste water, we could taste the plastic that was not so good.
The lunch and the dinner in the cantina was ok, but I know now why I don’t go in to the military.
The Room was perfect, just remember to close the door to the bathroom otherwise The NROI from South Africa will turn on the smoke alarm J
The weather was bad the first 8 days many rain little sun, only the last 2 days was nice, but the whole place up in Kongsberg on the Heistadmoen Military Camp was very nice, and the all the people there have make this match happened a big thanks to you all you can be very proud of this you guys did a very big and good job.
I really hope we can come up there again and doo more matches.
To all the helpers and IROA nice to see new and old people again, and some of you I will see you in the Philippines in October.
Specially thanks is going to my two friend from the Philippines Reynaldo B. Ganaban and Philip Joey F. Racaza
It’s always a pleasure to work with you.
Shooter from the USA Kurt Miller, Kelly Neal, Trapr Swonson, I really have a good time when I work for you, you make my day more easy.
Peter Andersen
Safe shooting

match report
DAY 1 07-07-2009
I left my home 07:30 to meet Range Master Tim Andersen in the airport, lots of people out there but we manage to be on the gate 5 minute before the door was closet.We arrive in Oslo 1 hour later, and the we catch up with 2 IROA from Philippines, Reynaldo B. Ganaban and Philip Joey F. Racaza, and also Jayantha Pathiratne from Srilanka . Ronny Bergström and Roar Moe pick us up, the we drive for 2 hours to the military camp, we got the key for our room, small snack and then out to check almost all stage.

from the tropics to the cold norway
Reynaldo B. Ganaban, Jayantha Pathiratne and Philip Joey F. Racaza

Ronny, Tim, Dmitri Udras and I went to the stage to see if there should be any change, but it was minor detail, move some target, make some boxes more big and so on. After finish we went back to the base to get our pasta dinner, web update and now to sleep, have to wake up 07:00.

Day 2
DAY 2 08-07-2009
Wake up 6:20am and got breakfirst 7am, 8am we had a meeting and got our stage breafing, then I went out to my stage to check it out, put up some target stick, clean up the stage, and after 2 hours I went back again to get lunch, and then got a call from my brother, my mother is very sick, so I hope I can stay for the competition maybe I have to go back quickly if something happend, we will see, I pray for he.Well after lunch and a long day front of my computer, á BBQ and a RO meeting 6pm, I went out to check come of the stage to be finish for tomorrow, and now back on the camp, I will shooting the next 2 days with Tim Andersen, and then start working.

First day of the prematch
DAY 3 09-07-2009
Tim Andersen, IROA Björn Gregnert and Ivona Brunova
I wake up again early 5:45am and today for the breakfirst we also have to make our own lunch bag, umm some sandwich and fruit, 8am Tim, I and our squad have to start our first days prematch on stage 3 long course, 38 rounds. This match is my first level 4 match, and also the realy first big rifle match, I knoiw we have some rifle matches before in Denmark, Nordic Open and so on, but this one is little more bigger. There are 20 stage, 350 rounds, and today we should shoot 10 stages, but we only manage to doo 7 stage, so the other 3 stage we will finish that on Sunday. when we came to stage 5, 3 target and 4 plate out in 150 meter, I finish the 3 target and after I hit 2 plate, the rifle start to jam, so I had to stop, the same thing happend on stage 6 also for Tim very bad long stage, and after stage 7 we got trigger problem, we went back to the camp to fix it, and after that nice to shoot good again. afcouse my time its a little slow, but my hits is ok, and im happy about that. We finish around 7pm, have to go back to the camp again for BBQ, making Ro list for tomorrow and web update, so now its time to sleep and another shooting day is waiting tomorrow.

second day of prematch
Day 4. 10-07-2009
a wild blueberry bush
Again up early, and today we will start shooting on area 2 on stage 13, 10 round stage with 3 ipsc target and 4 plate, and what a nice place to shoot, the stage was placed in middle of a wild blueberry bush, and I as a cook I just walk around and pick up and eat lots of berry very nice. We’ll continue to stage 14 long course, 32 rounds, 14 targets and 4 plates on about 50 meter. A little jungle run, nice one. We was supposed to shoot 10 stages today, but we only finish 8 stages, so I think we will finish on Sunday my only problem is I’m running out of AMO, I only have 30 round left, and I need minimum 82 rounds + extra ummmm.

my fuck up stage
Stage 19
I had to day a really Fuck up stage and that was stage 19 where we have to shoot through some blue barrel, and when I go prone, I shoot into the barrel and I got lots of miss and penalty very bad, I not use to shoot rifle and did not know I have to raise the rifle quite high over the opening of the barrel. Tim also had a very bad stage, with 8 plate and one target and 10 mike, sad sad. Today’s weather was ok, windy and some rain. After we finish stage 20 we went back to the camp and got some pizza, then I have to make RO plan for tomorrow.

Third day of the prematch
Day 5. 11-07-2009
Me and Joey
Today was my first day in IROA uniform, but still the prematch, I was Roing squad 29, and we start 8am and we not finish before 7:45 pm. It was a very long day, becouse some stage you have to coordinate true walkie with 3 stage in one area, and another 2 stage also in that area, we have to shoot in the same time all that stage and scoring in the same time, becouse of the safety angle. Well it was a long day and when I arive back to the camp and went into the registration room I meet MR: Kurt Miller and his team from the states, they are very nice people, first time I so them was some years back in Denmark in Boris for the Nordic Open in Rifle. Ohyaa mann. Well time to sleep. Tim and I have to shoot the last 5 stage tomorrow and I only got 32 rounds left ummmm.

Last day of the prematch and opening ceremony start
President of IPSC Mr. Nick Alexakos, RD Jan Hansen and RM Tim Andersen
Today we need to shoot the rest of the stage and we need 5 stage then we final finish the whole prematch. We went out with 4 of the shooter from Greece and 1 from Norway, we push it a little bit today because we have to finish before 11 am then its church time then we not allowed shooting until 1pm, and we finish 1 minute past 11am so it was timing. We went back to the camp got some lunch, then the MD Rune the 2 RM Tim and Ronnie and me went out to check all the stages again to see if there have to be something to change or other detail to considerate before tomorrow when the main match will start. After that we went back to the camp again 4:30 and the President of IPSC Mr. Nick Alexakos has arrive, say hello, and 7pm we will have RO meeting.

opening ceremony
Top Left is the Team from Netherlands, and right Sverre Idland
Down Left is Kurt Miller and team mate, and right USA team with Mr. Jerry Miculek
After the one hour meeting the Opening Ceremony started, it was not formal dress code, we got some food, talk talk and talk, all the USA team with Kurt Miller ho have been to Denmark some years ago for a match and Mr. Jerry Miculek was there Mr. Miculek is one of the most versatile speed shooters in the world. He's famous for being the fastest revolver shooter on the planet. Last but not least my shooting today was ok, tomorrow is the big show starting.

flag tent

DAY 7 first day of the main match
Jiri Jedlicka
Today is the first day out of four days main match, I’m down in stage 7, long course with 8 ipsc target and 4 plate, 20 rounds and 100 point, easy stage but only one little problem, we have to coordinate with stage 8 and nine, which is close to our stage, and we use radio to talk to each other, we have to patch in the same time, stage 8 is my friend from Philippines IROA Joey F. Racaza, and on nine is the Greek IROA Stefano. We have 2 squad before lunch and 3 after lunch, but 3 squad is goast squad so really we only had 4 squad, and today it was the squad from Czech, Russian and Germany, had the pleasure to see had the pleasure to see Sergey Ivanov ho shoot matches in Denmark before. After the 2 squad we wait almost for 1½ hours before the next squad and again for 30 to 45 minuts before the last squad. And when we had the last squad the President of IPSC Mr. Nick Alexakos, the RD Jan Hansen and RM Tim Andersen came to my stage so I could show the Mr. Alexakos how the shooter run the stage and how I run the stage as RO, and I think he was happy what he saw. And on our last squad the heavily rain came and we got wet. I was back in the camp again around 2:30 pm, so today I can get lot of sleep.

DAY 8 second day of the main match
Day 8. 14-07-2009
Kurt Miller
After a goodnight sleep I wake up 5:45am ready for the second day of the main match, when I walk out site I so it was very foggy weather and that will make problem for the shooter to se target and steel from a long distance, and I like to take a photo on my stage with the forest as a background and the foggy weather will make a perfect picture, but when I arrive on the stage the weather was nice and sunny so I have to wait for another time to doo that. Well today we will also have 4 squad two before lunch and to after, and the lunch break was almost 3 hours ummm. Our first squad was the Rock 'n' Roll squad from the states with Kurt Miller, Trapr Swonson and Kelly Nial also Sverre Idland and he did a very good run.Those people just make your day more fun and better and easy to be and RO, thank you.

Team Netherlands and Finland
We also got the squad from Netherlands and Finland and the Netherlands with Claud Van Gessel and John De Vries I also know them they are use to come to Denmark and shoot our rifle match very nice people , Claud did not shoot today he had a eye problem, so he just walk around and took picture.

Danish Team
IROA Peter Andersen, RM Tim Andersen, Anders Gersby, Jack Rømer, Henrik F. Nielsen, René Voss og Kim Nielsen
When we wait for the last squad with all the Danish shooter on except from KB Svensen and Lars Hagemann, I went down to stage 8 with the ATV and help my friend Joey from the Philippines patching. All in all a very good sunny day and no rain today very nice, looking forward for tomorrow.

DAY 9 third day of the main match
Very proud to meet Mr. Jerry Miculek and his wife Sharon Kay Miculek
Day 9. 15-07-2009
8 am we ready with the first squad, and again 2 squad before lunch and 2 after lunch but we finish today 12 pm so it was a very easy and good day, just a little rain. We got only one Danish shooter today and it was KB Svensen , he had a good run.Today we had all the shooter from Finland and all behave very well J Also to day in our second squad was the champ in revolver Mr. Jerry Miculec and his wife Kelly, they also had a ok run. Jerry do better mag change in revolver than rifle J The fastes time until now is one of the finish shooter with 26, 92 second with I think was only 2 c.

Am ready to drive :0)
And after the match finish I drive the ATV down to head couter very nice and funny drive, I like to have one in the Philippienes. When I arive in the camp, and ready to make my webupdate, Tim was there with thePresident of IPSC Mr. Nick Alexakos and he watch my webpage and the video I took and he was very impressively, and that makes me very happy, thank you passing by my webpage.Well I dont know what will happend tonight, but Im ready for the last day tomorrow and the last 5 squad.

The last day of the match
Day 10, 16-07-2009
Jack Romer on his first rifle match
So today it was the last day of the match, and what a beautiful weather to end this match with, nice hot and sunny day. We just have the last 5 squad and the first squad was with the last Dane Lars Hagemann, who was very sad because he lost his 700 kr. Ballpoint very sad. But Lars did a good run in my stage. And the last squad was the Spanish team incl. some shooter from Norway, they just had a shooter there got a DQ on the stage before they came to us, and they was very happy on our stage, when they had a shooter there finish the stage ohh yaa I did it I finish the whole match nice time for beer. Only one sad think happened today and it was with the last squad, lat shooter he finish the stage, and when he went to put his gun to his gun bag, he also put his fully loaded magazine in his bag, and that is no good in safety area, so very sad I had to DQ him. That was the first DQ on my stage.
Tomorrow there will be a shoot off and the arward dinner, but Tim and I will leave tomorrow morning so we will miss that.