This shooting range was inside a huge territory of the Indonesian Marine.
And the stages were quite well made. This stage above here was stage 9 the largest and most difficult stage of working. Click on photo to see more photos from the area
So funny to see that the marine use same holster and gun as we do
All the IROA try to get together on the opening parade
Police escort for the opening ceremony
Nice buffet at the opening ceremony
Member of Team Icarus had a nice dinner at the HolyCow from left me, Vanessa Cheng, Glaire Giles and Rudy Cua and together with CZ Champ Angus Hobdell
Each country was represented by AA was presented with a nice trophy and a special Indonesian head clothing item, But the forgot Denmark and Germany, So on the Award night me and Ines Weiss got our trophy, in a very nice box, but later when we check it, it was empty, so they had to send it to us, so after a long time we got it, and yes it was broken :( so we had to glue it
After a long hot day you need some rest
a small train drove around to bring and picked up the shooters
Jethro T. Dionisio with his unique facial mask
Jethro T. Dionisio with his unique facial mask

The staff on stage 11 - Me, Jafaz from Indonesia, Jalyssa, David and Hairun from Malysia
I left home on August 23 at 10am
My flight was about 45 min late, but arrived at KL in ok time so I had an hour before my next flight.
I just have to go through a lot of safety checks before I could go on the plane to Surabaya, was lucky that I got 3 seats alone, nice, I order lunch and got Chicken Curry, the best food ever on a flight.
Welcome committee at the airport in Surabaya was there and I met David Lim RO from Malaysia that I had not seen since Australasia in the Philippines since 2008, so it was fun to see him again, lovely guy.
It took about 1 hour before we were in our hotel.
Got my room as I was to share with Adrie De Bot , but it was only for one night, so we each got our room. And in this room was a window with a view straight into a gray concrete wall, so strictly speaking the room completely black wen the lights is not turn on.
Thursday morning
Got breakfast which is nothing special, so I went to the supermarket and bought some jam, butter and nutelle :)
It was the day we were told what stage we have to work on, so we were picked up by bus at 1pm
I had to work on the stage 11 along with David Landeweer from Holland that I have not seen since World Shoot in Bali back in 2008, he will be CRO on our stage, also on the pole is a few local NROI. We went through our stage and found out that the stand for the plate have to be welded or to have 2 small screws behind because when you shot the plate it could turn, and that is prohibited. So they have to do that with all the plate on all the stages where they have plates, and that’s a lot. Then we have to waited for our President of IPSC Nick Alexakos and Vince Pinto they have to go through all the stages along with RM Chepit and Area CRO Greg Moon.
Our stage briefing
So the wait was used to taste a local soup and it was so good and was made while you waited. A local noodle soup with meat and spicy, so so good. The guy who made it, should make it for the local marine who had a competition in the big area between our stages, was fun to watch.
So when the president and his body came there was a lots of changes, all mini target that was set up had to be change with full size target. On our stage we had to cut some wall shorter and the starting position of the heels on the marker to start our anywhere. One stage was cut half away.
We were back at the hotel at 6:30 pm just enough time for a few hours sleep,because at 12am we have go to BROMO sunrise and volcano trip
Click on the photo above to see more of the Presidens walk through
That is way cool :)
There was a lot of IROA who sign up to do the equipment check, and I, David and Adrie was told that we have to do it together with some other IROA so it was nice to get the old team together again.But it should not go this way, we was told to take the day off , which we were a little sad about, we had been looking forward to this job, but since they obviously would not use our professional help, we took the day off, later I so some video clips from the equipment check ummm. We therefore took a little trip to Bromo to see the sun rise and afterwards horse riding to a large volcano. We left at 12 mid night and drove 3 hours then we switched to a jeep and drove 1.5 hours up and up and up the mountains, we were up to almost 2000 meters. We arrived at about 4am and there was so cold that we had to rent a warm coat. We waited almost two hours before sunrise started, and it was really nice to see. And there were many tourists there, so when we had to run back down the mountain, I asked how many 100 jeep that was because they held all the way down the mountain and there was 1000 jeep.
It was so funny that one of the first squad on our stage the first main match day was a squad from the Philippines. And I had start by saying. Good morning, how does it feel to be on the stage on time and with a full squad, and follow the squad plan, and they answer it feels really good , and I answer why the heck can you not do that in the Philippines, because no one follows anything there. evrybody laughing and told me yes you are right, am alsways right.
On the second day we had, the squad with Chris Tilley from USA and my good friend Roland Tan and Ma Inez Jorge from Philippines
Limcat was also represented at this match Johnny Lim and his son Julian shot the match while Jonny's wife Cristina looked after the shop . And yes their get the shirt from Icarus Shirts