And a big thank you to my team. Team Icarus Shirts
Here are one of the 51 small plate, I going to praktice more on this small shit :)
My teammate Faj Tran and his little toy :)
I must say that Icarus Shirt was presented at this match, there are many shooter who choose to wear our shirt and it is a pleasure for me as Ambassador of icarus shirt here in Scandinavia and Europe to see so many icarus shirt around.
My teammate Faj Tran is ready on stage 13
Faj is also proud of his team shirt
Heidi from Denmark with her loud loud cannon
They had waited a long time for her in crono to see the big flash of light and the noisy bang, so Robert Söderström was very happy to shoot with her gun
Here another stage with small plate
It was time to go for the first level III match in Sweden this year, and am starting in Malmø, just 45 min from Copenhagen so it very easy to go there.
Compared to other years where I drove over Friday and stayed at the hotel until Sunday. We were four guys this year who agreed to drive back and forth every day, it would be cheaper for us, but Friday morning we was only 3 and Saturday we were told that they had booked a hotel for us so we stay at the hotel Saturday to Sunday.
Thank you Claus for driving.
Prematch on Friday we had to shoot all 16 stages
And this year the MD Mats Bäckström had made some really difficult stages, they were challenged, long and short targets. one stage with 23 plate, one popper and a N / S plate.
And this stage really gave many shooters problems. Times on this stage ranged from the open at 23.73 and for the standard at 241.99 and you could only get A and miss on this stage because the plate was so small 15 X 15 and you could only see half of the plate it give a total miss on this stage 166 miss from 1 to the highest who got 17 miss, but it could not beat stage 5 "the moose" with target far far up in the backstop, and the fast running moose and again the small plate, this stage gave a total of 475 miss
Stage 2
Here are one of the other very difficult stage, I was very worried about this stage and hoped not there would be some accidents, and I will say right away that there was no accidents.
You had to go up the ladder to shoot the two target behind steel hardcover, and when finished, apply the safety and hand it to RO before climb down the ladder,then you receive your gun so you could unload and show clear.
All in all a really good PreMatch with really good weather, on my own performance, I had problems with the small plate and it cost me a lot, and it's something I have to work with, otherwise I think it went ok, I ended up with 25 place 56.65% - Senior 5 place 80.80%
Here its René Mortensen who had a clean run and was stages winner in Standard
On the main match i was working as CRO on stage 13 and 15 . stage 13 was a short course of 12 rounds and this one a medium course of 24 rounds. And its so fun to see how difficult it is for shooter incl me to hit a target with hadcover like the one you see on the right site, there must be somethink with you eyes :)
There were a total of 217 shooters for this match and everyone thinks I agreed that this match was probably the hardest match there have been here in Malmo, but everyone also agreed that it was some really good stages, they were difficult but challenging as you could shoot a most of the stage in different ways, and it makes a match like this very exciting and fun to shoot.
Faj here on stage 9 long course with 32 rounds with swinger and a shaky bridge, Faj shooting single stack and even he won the match he ad a difficult time on this stage, mag change in a wrong place, fuck up the stage for Faj, but still he got the stage win :)