Thank you to all my sponsor, with out you it would not be the same
Cops Cup Gothenburg Open 2017

Good milk shake
Ditlev is cold and wet :)
Lars Hagemann have a plan

Gert and I drove together as usual, we drove from Copenhagen at 17:00 and were at Hotel Goodmorning around 9:30 pm
Just a quick milk shake and so good night.

Stage 3 - 15 ipsc target and 2 ipsc metal plate
Friday was the pre match day
We were on the range at. 08:00am
Few RO should go around and check all the stages before the pre-match, the rest will go and put up targets, I have to work on stage 3 á long courses I just wanted to see what it looked like, and although it was an RO who had built the stage, he did not think about how it would be to work at this stage, and it proved to be a challenge too.
Because there was not much room for the Ro if a shooter would have a malfunction, but after some time thinking and a little walking around the stages, I found a good way we could work on and also score the targets, and I have to say with the people I had during the match, it could not be much better, that stage was ahead of schedule all the time so there was time to go down to my good IROA friend Gert and help him on stage 6 with a Cooper tunnel, targets and plates.
The pre-match could be a bit better, it's was raining like a hell almost during the whole pre-match, but as I told people when I'm going to work as a RO on a match, I'd rather shoot in the rain and work In the sun, because there is nothing so bad than work in the rain scoring on wet scoresheet, patch wet target, and have shooter who don´t have fun. So my performance might have been better, but I'm ok satisfied. After the pre-match we drove back to the hotel, took a bath and then meet with the other Danish Roer for a nice meal downtown at Café de Nord with a nice pasta carry.
My Ro friend Christian Ditlev find a good place so his shoe don´t get wet

Woke up at. 6:00 am and was at the range at. 07:30 first shot at 08:30. We had 3 squad before lunch and 5 after breakfast. Again we finished our 3 squad at 11:00 and I helped finish at stage 6. We started again at. 13pm and was finished at. 18:30 pm. I had my two team mate from team's icarus Heidi Boline and Jan Bòde, We missed Faj Tran who could not come. Jan had a little trouble with his ammo so it did not work out the way he wanted it. And Heidi had a miss ;(
And then it's great to be in Sweden and see that so many shooters have Icarus shirt on ☺
Well, but a nice day with lots of sun, gun powder and mud from yesterday. Home and a fast shower , because we had to meet at the restaurant we always eat when we are in Gothenburg restaurant "Halta Lottas" at the end of Danska Vägen, but we were told that it was shut down L So we meet at an Argentinian restaurant "Buenos Aires"