icarus shirts
Thank you to ICARUS SHIRTS the best ipsc shirt
Thank you to ICARUS SHIRTS the best ipsc shirt
It was time again for a level III rifle match in Copenhagen Shooting Range. This year we had lot of shooter, 146 shooter from 15 region
Mark Weisinger was Range Master on the match, and did a very good job, Mark and 2-3 other guys build the whole match, and they made some very nice stage, I would say also from what I heard other shooters said that this match was probably the best rifle match that has been in Denmark
Squad 1 with Mika Reste and Teemu Rintala
I work with my good friend from Estonia Jaanus and Felix Viirlo
Because of permits to shoot with rifle we had not many Danes on this match, but one of them was Ebbe Wolff right now Ebbe is probably our best rifle shooter we have, and he proved that Ebbe won overall and also got his first Presindents Medals and Ebbe was very happy, he also won the Danish championship, where Jesper Helmersen got second place and Range Master Mark Weisinger got the 3 place, so I thought it was a shame I did not shot the match : 0)
The new IPSC Range bag car all in wood :0)
In Semi Auto Standard was Øystein Lütcherath the winner overall and Sverre Idland second with 94:87 % and third Kjetil S Svendsen with 94:58 %
I just work on stage 11
So I just got video from that stage incl.prize ceremony, picture with a nice music.
It was time again for a level III rifle match in Copenhagen Shooting Range. This year we had lot of shooter, 146 shooter from 15 region.
We had 136 shooter in Semi Auto Open and 10 in Semi Auto Standard
Again this year we have visit from Spain Mr. Alvaro deOrleans, who always makes you day much better.
Mika Reste and Teemu Rintala with they new shirt from ICARUS Shirt
Mika Reste and Teemu Rintala shooting Semi Auto Open and with they new shirt from ICARUS Shirt
I got my new webshop for this match, and it works very well see you in Rooster Mountain
In Semi Auto Open Ebbe Wolff winner overall and Teemu Rentala second with 98:83% and Jakko Laukia with 97:04 %
In Team won Finland 1 place, Norway second and Germany third place